Author Archives: Katherine Baldwin

Young woman looking in the mirror

How to find someone to love

How do we find someone to love? For many years, this question baffled me. I had no idea. None of my relationships worked out and I spent many single years wondering where all the available men had gone. Eventually, though, I found my answer. I’ll be getting married in a few weeks, at 48.

Cherry blossom

Letting go of the old to embrace the new

Easter is a time of hope, renewal and new beginnings so how can we bring that fresh energy into our dating life? I know from speaking with single friends and coaching clients that the dating process can wear people down. But if we approach dating feeling downhearted, it’s probably not going to go too well. So here are some ideas to freshen up your romantic life:


How to date with courage and confidence

As I write this, I’m preparing to host a dating workshop for young adults with cancer. This isn’t my usual audience and I’m rather daunted by the prospect. But I’m also clear on what I’m going to say: that anyone who is looking for love can benefit from solid foundations, a strong inner anchor, healthy self-esteem, emotional resilience, a good dose of trust and bags of faith.


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Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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