Author Archives: Seth Adam Smith

seth adam smith wedding

Forget about feelings, real love is a deliberate choice

My wife and I have known each other since high school, but didn’t date until much later. We had only dated a couple of weeks before we realized that we were madly in love and wanted to get married.

I was all for it! I even suggested a spontaneous, immediate wedding in Vegas. (Seriously.) Kim, however, was a bit more practical about the whole thing. She wanted to take time to plan it all out.

Seth Adam Smith Wedding

Marriage isn’t for you

Having been married only a year and a half, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that marriage isn’t for me.

Now before you start making assumptions, keep reading.

I met my wife in high school when we were 15 years old. We were friends for ten years until… until we decided no longer wanted to be just friends. I strongly recommend that best friends fall in love. Good times will be had by all.


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