Author Archives: Urenna Kiwanuka

8 great tips for staying spiritually full while single and dating - Christian Connection dating advice

8 great tips for staying spiritually full while single and dating

Staying spiritually full can be challenging when you’re single. Dating itself can be full on, and whilst you’re busy planning dates and organising meet ups, it can be difficult sometimes to stay on track with your spiritual walk. Seeing friends and others couple up and get married can stir up unwanted feelings and emotions which if dwelled upon, can impact one’s spiritual life negatively. So, what can you do?

6 important life skills you’re secretly developing while dating - Christian Connection dating advice

6 important life skills you’re secretly developing while dating

Perhaps you’ve been on the dating journey for a while and you’re thinking, “What has dating ever done for me?” Don’t give up just yet! You may not have found ‘the one’ so far, but did you know that there are many skills you can develop during the dating process? You may not have thought about it like that, but even if your journey hasn’t connected you with the perfect person just yet, you are developing life skills that will benefit you, both inside and outside of the dating world.

6 important ways to show honour in dating - Christian Connection dating advice

6 important ways to show honour in dating

In Romans 12 verse 10, the Bible says, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves”. Paul was talking to the church in Rome, but this also applies to us as Christians, and I believe can also be applied to dating relationships. The word ‘honour’ means to hold in high respect, or with great esteem. It might sound like something we reserve only for God (whom we should of course, honour), our parents or spiritual leaders. But we can see from Paul’s letter that it is meant for the rest of us as well. So, how do we show honour in dating?

How to make the most of different dating life stages - Christian Connection dating advice

How to make the most of different dating life stages

If you’ve been single for a while, you’ll have noticed your dating and relationship priorities might have changed. The chances are, what someone is looking for in their early twenties is quite different from what they’re looking for later on, into their late twenties, thirties, forties and beyond. We all change as we get older, and our priorities when it comes to dating and relationships are likely to change too. So, how might what you’re looking for in a life partner change over time? What might you encounter at different dating life stages? And how can you plan for an amazing future no matter what your age?

How to navigate life changes during dating - Christian Connection dating advice

How to navigate life changes during dating

Life happens. This very common saying means that you could be happily going along your day and suddenly, life throws you a curveball – some sort of unexpected problem or event. For most of us, we just deal with it as best as we can and carry on. But what do you do if ‘life happens’ when you’re dating, or getting to know someone for the purpose of a relationship? How do you navigate life changes when someone new is in the picture?

3 great ways to make opportunities in the year ahead - Christian Connection dating advice

3 great ways to make opportunities in the year ahead

As we come to the end of the year you might be looking back and thinking about all the things that you hoped to achieve this year that didn’t quite work out. This is especially true if you were hoping to meet someone or start dating. If that’s you, don’t despair. A new year always brings with it chances to make opportunities for different things, and starting a relationship is one of them. The only caveat is that you would need to be open-minded, and perhaps try things that you haven’t tried before. There are many opportunities you could take hold of in the new year, and you could even make some of those opportunities yourself!

Enjoy the season of hopeful waiting this Advent - Christian Connection blog

Enjoy the season of hopeful waiting this Advent

As we enter the Advent season, what should our focus be? According to modern Christian thought, Advent is the season of reflective preparation for Christ’s nativity at Christmas and Christ’s expected return in the Second coming. Whilst we may now see Advent as a season that serves as an anticipation of Christ’s birth, originally there was little connection between Advent and Christmas. By the 6th century, Roman Christians had tied Advent to the coming of Christ, but the coming they had in mind was his second coming in the clouds, as judge of the world. The Advent season was not explicitly linked to Christ’s first coming at Christmas until the Middle Ages. So, how does this history lesson relate to you, as a single Christian today and what could hopeful waiting look like?

3 simple ideas for building spiritual practice into your dating relationship - Christian Connection dating advice

3 simple ideas for building spiritual practice into your dating relationship

Building spiritual practice and growing in faith together is important in every Christian relationship, however, the timing and priority will be different for each couple. It can be difficult to know when or how to introduce this when you first meet someone, or a relationship starts to get serious. If you’re dating someone, ideally you should both have a similar mindset when it comes to spiritual activities, to avoid strife in your relationship. So where should you start?


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