Author Archives: Urenna Kiwanuka

Woman looking stressed

When singleness is hard…

So a while ago, I wrote an article called ‘The purpose-driven single’. I was 26 years old, loving God, learning a lot and confident that I would be married anytime soon. Fast forward five years, and on the one hand, a lot has changed. On the other hand, not much has. I still don’t like to […]

Sad couple

10 signs you’re in the wrong relationship

I know what it’s like to be in a relationship and know that something isn’t right but still find it difficult to leave. But, I’ve come to understand that God wants so much more for us. He wants the best, in fact. The stress of being in the wrong relationship is just not worth it, never mind the time and effort that could be put into something more meaningful. Here are 10 signs you’re in the wrong relationship.

A woman drinking coffee

5 traits to avoid if you’re single

Being single can be a difficult time for many, but, as difficult as it is, the truth is that life is not just about getting married. Life doesn’t start when you get married. Life is right now! And you can still have a wonderful and fulfilling life as a single person, whether or not you eventually get married. So, here are five traits to avoid if you’re single.

A couple sitting on a bench

‘Date to marry’ or ‘Marry to date?’

I’ve heard this question asked lots of times, albeit in different ways. ‘How do you know if someone is the right person for you?’, ‘How long should you date before you get married?’, ‘Should you date at all?’, ‘Surely, if you know deep in your heart that someone is right for you, there’s no harm in going ahead and marrying them…?’

Man hiding a bunch of flowers behind his back

One of the most important things to look for when considering a marriage partner

One of my friends was getting married and went on a marriage counselling course. The person running the course explained that he was going to share with them the first question to ask when considering someone as a marriage partner. They all assumed he was going to tell them to ask if the person is a Christian, and to determine the person’s spiritual maturity. Instead, he said the first question to ask is ‘are they kind?’

Illustration of a girl letting go of a baloon

Don’t let go too soon

So I went home feeling let down by God. I had expected to be blown away and I wasn’t. I had expected to ‘just know’, but I didn’t. Our date was pleasant enough, and I thought his nervousness was kind of endearing but…no. I wanted fireworks. I wanted butterflies in my stomach. I wanted some sort of sign from Heaven (maybe a dove landing on his head and a voice saying ‘this is the one, marry him!’)

Woman meditating on a beach

3 simple steps to being content whilst single

We often hear people say ‘be content with your singleness’ but is it always that easy? After a particular relationship did not work out, it finally dawned on me how much I wanted to get married. I thought I was content with being single but I clearly wasn’t. I realized that if I had a choice, I would always choose marriage over singleness.


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