Author Archives: Urenna Kiwanuka

Hand showing a smiley face and five fingers

5 things every single person should know

If you’re single, you probably get advice from different people, including well-meaning family and friends on the single life and what to expect when you get married. But here are five simple but important things I believe every single person should know and bear in mind during this stage of life.

pretty smiling single woman

The singles’ ten commandments

The single life…don’t you just love it? It can be fun, but it can also be frustrating at times. Sometimes you may find yourself asking questions like, ‘is it me’? ‘What am I doing wrong’? And ‘if I’m not doing anything wrong, why am I still single’? Whilst I don’t have the answer to all those questions I do think there are a few things single people should try to adhere to, whilst in this phase of life. Here are what I call ‘The Singles’ Ten Commandments’;

feet of woman in trainers running

5 steps to moving on

Break-ups are hard and painful. There’s no other way to put it. When a relationship ends, whether or not it was a mutual decision, it can be difficult to deal with the thoughts of rejection, disappointment and broken dreams that can set in. Over the years I’ve learnt that the feelings and emotions that one experiences after the break-up of a relationship can be dealt with appropriately and there is light at the end of the tunnel.


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