Author Archives: Urenna Kiwanuka

What the Easter story teaches us about hope - Christian Connection blog

What the Easter story teaches us about hope

As we go through Easter this year, let’s take time to reflect on what it means. For example, have you ever wondered why we call Good Friday “good,” when it is such a dark and bleak event commemorating a day of suffering and death for Jesus? For Christians, Good Friday is a crucial day of the year because it celebrates what we believe to be the most momentous three days in the history of the world. Ever since Jesus died and rose, Christians have proclaimed his death and resurrection as the decisive turning point for all creation. What hope does that bring us today?

6 simple ways to develop gratitude about singleness - Christian Connection advice

6 simple ways to develop gratitude about singleness

We all know that it is important to be grateful and as Christians, showing gratitude should be a way of life. But what happens when you’re struggling to find things to be grateful for? Perhaps you’ve been praying for a husband or wife and it seems like God doesn’t hear you? Or you’ve tried dating and it’s just not worked out? How can you develop gratitude about singleness in your life?

5 inviting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, no matter what your relationship status - Christian Connection dating advice

5 inviting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, no matter what your relationship status

Valentine’s day is round the corner – yay! Or not. If you’re one of those that dreads lover’s day, otherwise known as Valentine’s Day, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Valentine’s day can be an unwelcome reminder that you’re single, or even if you’re in a relationship, that your relationship doesn’t quite measure up to the ideals portrayed on TV or social media. But Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be intimidating, or a cause for worry. It is a celebration of love, after all, and I want to share with you five inviting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, no matter your relationship status.

5 great ways to reclaim your joy at Christmas - Christian Connection dating advice

5 great ways to reclaim your joy at Christmas

Christmas can be a hard time if you’re single. It’s the end of the year and perhaps you were hoping that this Christmas would be the one that you spent with that special someone, or that you’d be introducing them to your family. There’s something about smiling families in TV adverts and couples in matching pyjamas that can make being single feel miserable, but I truly believe you can have joy at Christmas, regardless of your relationship or marital status.

Why your perfect partner might be right under your nose - Christian Connection blog

Why your perfect partner might be right under your nose

Before I met my husband, I had a list of what I wanted in the man I was to marry. He had to be God-fearing, loving and kind, hardworking, patient. You know, the usual stuff. He had to be attractive – to me at least (I strongly believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder) and had to be taller than me (I’m not tall). I wouldn’t say I had many superficial things on my list at all, but I remember when I started online dating and seeing some profiles – there were some good-looking men I couldn’t help but notice! I thought to myself, “If this is what the online dating scene is offering, I’m here for all of it!” It was only when I waved to one or two of them and got no response (this sometimes happens, don’t worry if it happens to you) that I realised that there were probably hundreds of women like me doing the same thing: reaching out to the same attractive men that we thought fitted the bill of what we wanted in a mate…

10 reasons why differences are great for a relationship - Christian Connection dating advice

10 reasons why differences are great for a relationship

It has been said that opposites attract, and whilst that is true to an extent, a difference in personalities is often cited as the main reason for the breakdown of many relationships. Whilst it is important to have some key things in common with the person you’re in a relationship with, for example, a shared faith, similar moral values, and world views, it is also possible to have a great relationship with someone that is quite different from you. In fact, I believe our differences can have a positive impact on our relationship and even make it all the better.


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