Author Archives: Urenna Kiwanuka

Smiling woman in front of colourful tiles

Leftover women?

So a few months ago I came across an article about ‘China’s leftover women’. These are women over the age of 27 that are not married. The article resonated with me because it is so similar to what myself and thousands of other women in different parts of the world have experienced; that feeling that you haven’t quite made it unless you’re married, no matter how successful you are. What I found saddest about the article was the fact that the parents did not help the issue but instead added to the pressure. Parents that make their daughters feel like failures just because they are not married appear to have no idea the negative effect that it has on their self-esteem.

A happy couple on the beach

The importance of dating and marriage prep

I attended a friend’s wedding recently. It was beautiful, as well as emotional. As I looked at the bride walking down the aisle, looking regal in her wedding dress, eyes fixed on her handsome groom, I couldn’t help but remember my own wedding. Walking towards my soon to be husband all those months ago, I remember being so excited and thinking, ‘I can’t believe this is finally happening!’ I had wanted to be married for a long time and when that day finally came, I was filled with too many emotions to put into words.

Woman writing a letter

A letter to my younger self (on marriage)

Recently I was speaking to a friend about marriage, and as I listened to them talk about how much they wanted to be married, I felt like I was looking at a younger version of myself. I could definitely relate to the longing and desire to have someone to share your whole life with. This was me only a few years ago. I gave her some well-meaning advice which I hope she took on board, but it got me thinking; if I could speak to my younger self, what would I say? What would I want her to know? So, I wrote a letter.

Couple holding hands

Building Godly relationships

In simple terms, a godly relationship is one that glorifies God and one where God is at the centre. The Bible says, ‘can two walk together except they agree?’ (Amos 3:3) If you’re in a relationship that you’re hoping will lead to a happy marriage, it is worth asking yourself, ‘does this relationship glorify God?’ There are a few ways to tell if your relationship glorifies God or not. Ask yourself these questions:

Two coffee cups

Top tips for a successful first date

I remember my first date with my (now) husband very clearly. We had been chatting online for a couple of weeks and decided it was time to meet up. I suggested dinner but he preferred lunchtime drinks. We ended up having a memorable lunch followed by coffee.

If you’re planning to meet up with someone soon, here are some tips to make sure that first date goes as smoothly as possible.

Christmas tree

5 ways to own your singleness this festive season

Ah…the holidays are upon us. Christmas shopping, carol services, Christmas lights, wintry nights and mulled wine. For some singles, the festive season conjures up feelings of joy and thoughts of cosy nights by the fireplace. For others, it comes with some trepidation; another family get-together where you’ll be asked the same old questions- ‘What’s new with you?’, ‘Dating anyone?’ And of course, the classic ‘When are you getting married?’.

Woman on plain blue background thinking

Feel the fear and go for it anyway!

Earlier this year, I got invited to speak at a conference. It was related to my job and various experts in the field had been invited to speak. I was honoured but didn’t feel I had the credentials or qualifications to speak to so many experienced people and experts in the business. But, I knew it was a great opportunity, so I said yes. A few weeks before the event, however, I developed cold feet and seriously considered pulling out. But, I decided to see it as an opportunity God had placed before me, so I went for it. And guess what- it went brilliantly and I’m so glad that I did!

Woman looking at a smartphone

5 reasons you should meet up sooner rather than later

My husband and I chatted online for a couple of weeks and when I realised I kind of liked him, I suggested we meet up for lunch. We did, and the rest, as they say, is history. I know that for some people, two weeks may be a bit soon to meet up with someone you’re chatting with online, but here are five reasons why I think it’s better to meet up sooner rather than later.


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Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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