Dating & Relationship Advice

8 simple ways to become a confident dater - Christian Connection dating advice

8 simple ways to become a confident dater

It’s possible to become a confident dater. It might take time, effort and practice, especially if you are an introvert, shy, or struggle in situations out of your comfort zone but it can be done. Dating has its highs and lows, and sometimes your confidence can be knocked, by a rejection, ghosting, or harsh words but it’s possible to bounce back.

7 more free date ideas to explore - Christian Connection dating advice

7 more free date ideas to explore

Wanting to make good first (or second or third) impression when you meet for a date is an understandable goal. Sometimes your budget makes that tricky. If your wallet needs a rest, it doesn’t mean you can’t have an enjoyable date that’s memorable for all the right reasons. If you’re prepared to be creative, here are more free date ideas you can explore together. Some will even add to your skills as you go!

7 more cheap date ideas to help you get creative - Christian Connection dating advice

7 more cheap date ideas to help you get creative

In the early stages of dating, it’s natural to want every time you meet to be special. Thankfully, special doesn’t have to mean expensive. Often what’s needed instead is some imagination and a little creativity. As a relationship develops, it’s good to add some variety into your quality time, too, and introducing more cheap date ideas can help keep things fun and interesting. Rather than worry about breaking the bank, look at how you can bond without exceeding your dating budget.

Finding love requires letting go - Christian Connection dating advice

Finding love requires letting go

There’s a practice I’m trying to follow right now to take care of my health and wellbeing. It’s called substituting and the idea is that before adding something new into my life – an activity, a hobby or any sort of commitment – I must first let go of something that requires a similar amount of energy, time and space. I believe this holds true for love too. Looking back over my romantic history, there were so many things I had to let go of or give up in order to make space for love and create the right conditions for a healthy relationship. Here are five of those things.

10 reasons why differences are great for a relationship - Christian Connection dating advice

10 reasons why differences are great for a relationship

It has been said that opposites attract, and whilst that is true to an extent, a difference in personalities is often cited as the main reason for the breakdown of many relationships. Whilst it is important to have some key things in common with the person you’re in a relationship with, for example, a shared faith, similar moral values, and world views, it is also possible to have a great relationship with someone that is quite different from you. In fact, I believe our differences can have a positive impact on our relationship and even make it all the better.

get ready for a new relationship - Christian Connection dating advice

8 ways to get ready for a new relationship

When you start dating and later move into a relationship, your life will change and that means a change of mindset too. There must be a shift as you prepare your life for a new relationship – before and after you meet someone. Afterwards, there will be personal adjustments from both sides to make the shift work. The good news is there are simple things you can do to get ready for a new relationship while you are still single.


How to date with great self-worth

When my single friends or coaching clients ask me for feedback on their dating profiles, I often point out that they are selling themselves short. I know these people, either personally or through my work. I know that they are vibrant and colourful, or intuitive and intelligent, or funny and friendly, or supportive and kind, or generous and open-hearted, or, in many cases, all of the above. Yet this doesn’t come across in their profiles…


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Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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