Before I met my husband, I had a list of what I wanted in the man I was to marry. He had to be God-fearing, loving and kind, hardworking, patient. You know, the usual stuff. He had to be attractive – to me at least (I strongly believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder) and had to be taller than me (I’m not tall). I wouldn’t say I had many superficial things on my list at all, but I remember when I started online dating and seeing some profiles – there were some good-looking men I couldn’t help but notice! I thought to myself, “If this is what the online dating scene is offering, I’m here for all of it!” It was only when I waved to one or two of them and got no response (this sometimes happens, don’t worry if it happens to you) that I realised that there were probably hundreds of women like me doing the same thing: reaching out to the same attractive men that we thought fitted the bill of what we wanted in a mate…