Dating & Relationships

Dating is changing. Are you?

If I happen to mention I write about faith and relationships, the questions flow. When to date. Who to marry. How to make good decisions. Even who to spend time with. Who, how, what, where, when. So many questions. And, of course, there’s a dizzying array of possible answers…


Have you been ‘zombied’? 

Modern dating seems to come with a whole new vocabulary. You may have heard about ‘ghosting’ – where someone you’ve been dating or exchanging messages with suddenly cuts off contact with no explanation – and might even have experienced it. ‘Zombieing’ is another dating term that’s made a recent appearance. What is it? Well, if that ghoster who disappeared without warning appears later and makes contact again as if nothing has happened, you’ve been zombied.


Equal partnership starts in dating

The other day I finally got around to watching Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s brilliant TedX talk on that a friend recommended to me ages ago. In it Chimamanda talks about equal partnership between men and women. Midway through her talk, she refers to the different standards especially in dating and marriage when it comes to men and women. Where women are sometimes rebuked or dismissed as failures when they haven’t married before a certain age, men are usually simply excused as ‘he just hadn’t had time yet’.

A couple stand very close to one another, underneath an umbrella

Chemical reaction: Do you need an instant spark to fall in love?

‘Do you think it’s important to have chemistry with someone you’ve just met, or can it develop over time?’ That’s the question Christian Connection recently posed on its social media pages – and something many of us will have considered on our dating journey: ‘I like this guy, but I don’t know if I’m attracted to him…’ or ‘She’s great on paper, but do we have enough of a spark?’

A young women checks her phone whilst walking down the street

5 steps to staying safe and happy online

So much of our lives are now spent online and when it comes to finding a partner, over 1 in 3 people now meet someone through online dating. It’s an exciting time of possibilities, but it’s good to be wise too! As concerns around privacy have increased in recent years, it’s worth taking a moment to consider how you can best stay safe and happy online as you make connections and meet new people.

A couple baking cookies together and laughing

5 great dates for cooler weather

The changing season provides a great opportunity to switch up date ideas. Whether you’re leaving behind gloriously sunny weather and getting ready for a chillier autumn – or preparing for the start of spring – the shifting climes are a good time to try something new.

Here are some options if you need inspiration for great seasonal dates, in less clement weather.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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