
6 important ways to show honour in dating - Christian Connection dating advice

6 important ways to show honour in dating

In Romans 12 verse 10, the Bible says, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves”. Paul was talking to the church in Rome, but this also applies to us as Christians, and I believe can also be applied to dating relationships. The word ‘honour’ means to hold in high respect, or with great esteem. It might sound like something we reserve only for God (whom we should of course, honour), our parents or spiritual leaders. But we can see from Paul’s letter that it is meant for the rest of us as well. So, how do we show honour in dating?

'Celebrate you' - watch the new short film from Christian Connection

Introducing ‘Celebrate You’ – Our new inspirational short film

Amid life’s constant hustle and its highs and lows, we invite you to pause and reflect on some enduring truths. ‘Celebrate You’ is our new short film, created to help you reflect through powerful affirmations, highlighting your unique qualities and the infinite value you hold to God. Whether you’re watching on a big screen at a festival or on your phone at home, take a moment to let each word sink in and affirm God’s love for you and your worth in God’s eyes. Watch and be uplifted by a message of love, hope and personal strength today and always.

5 important things Easter teaches us about love - Christian Connection blog

5 important things Easter teaches us about love

Easter is a time when we remember what Jesus did for us, His death and resurrection. Yes, it’s also a time when there are many happy, fluffy lambs, Easter eggs, chocolates and bunny rabbits, but the true meaning of Easter is all about Jesus and always will be. It is a solemn time, but also a time full of hope, excitement and a fresh start. We can go through a range of emotions as we remember this significant time in Christ’s life. What can we learn through this period of Easter to help us to be more Christlike and what can we bring into our dating lives and our relationships?

3 simple ideas for building spiritual practice into your dating relationship - Christian Connection dating advice

3 simple ideas for building spiritual practice into your dating relationship

Building spiritual practice and growing in faith together is important in every Christian relationship, however, the timing and priority will be different for each couple. It can be difficult to know when or how to introduce this when you first meet someone, or a relationship starts to get serious. If you’re dating someone, ideally you should both have a similar mindset when it comes to spiritual activities, to avoid strife in your relationship. So where should you start?

Do your best - and let God do the rest! - Christian Connection dating advice

Do your best – and let God do the rest!

Have you ever heard the saying “do your best and let God do the rest”? It is a popular saying and one that I think can be applied to dating. Sometimes we erroneously expect God to do all the work for us, and whilst God obviously leads and guides us, usually, when it comes to dating, we have some work to do ourselves. It might be as big as deciding to try something you haven’t tried before, or as small as saying yes to an invite to hang out with friends. But, whatever it may be, a single Christian seeking a relationship would need to take some definite steps.

How to hold on when you're ready to give up on dating a Christian - Christian Connection dating advice

How to hold on when you’re ready to give up on dating a Christian

There’s only so much “It’ll happen at the right time”, “You just haven’t met the one”, “Don’t give up”, or “God’s timing is perfect” you can take before it starts to get old! The worst is “Why are you still single, you’re such a good catch?” – the most infuriating question that used to sting me when I got asked, kicking me when I was down. How can you remain godly in your search for a Christian, staying true to what the Bible says about looking for a Christian partner, without compromising when you want to pack it all in, throw in the towel and stop the feelings of loneliness?

How to pray through your dating experiences - Christian Connection dating advice

How to pray through your dating experiences

Sometimes when we think about prayer we think it should only apply to more ‘spiritual’ things, or serious things such as praying for healing or protection or God’s provision. But it’s amazing to know that God is interested in every area of our lives- including who we date and eventually marry. Prayer is actually not complicated; it is simply having a conversation with God. So, how exactly do you pray through your dating experiences?

Worship God this Easter - Christian Connection blog

Why we should worship God this Easter

I just finished taking part in a 22-day praise challenge, which involved praising and worshipping God for an hour at midnight. What I loved most about this was that the focus was mainly on worshipping God, with singing and dancing. As human beings we all have our issues and we often come to God with problems each time we pray. For example, as a single person, getting married someday might be at the top of your prayer list (as it was, mine, for many years). There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but how often do we just worship God for who He is or for what He has done? Here are three great reasons to worship God this Easter…


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Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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