
'Celebrate you' - watch the new short film from Christian Connection

Introducing ‘Celebrate You’ – Our new inspirational short film

Amid life’s constant hustle and its highs and lows, we invite you to pause and reflect on some enduring truths. ‘Celebrate You’ is our new short film, created to help you reflect through powerful affirmations, highlighting your unique qualities and the infinite value you hold to God. Whether you’re watching on a big screen at a festival or on your phone at home, take a moment to let each word sink in and affirm God’s love for you and your worth in God’s eyes. Watch and be uplifted by a message of love, hope and personal strength today and always.


7 great ways to show appreciation

Whether you are dating, in a relationship or married for a long time, one of the main keys to a successful relationship is finding ways to show appreciation. If your ‘appreciation box’ is filled up, you’re more likely to give out love more easily. If your box is empty, then it’s very hard to maintain a healthy relationship. If you appreciate your partner, then they will feel loved and filled up, ready to show you appreciation. If you feel appreciated by your partner, then you are going to find it much easier to show love and appreciation and be happier in a relationship or when dating.

Anne Marjorie and Matthew on their wedding day after meeting on Christian Connection dating site and app

“Every moment has drawn us closer” – Anne Marjorie & Matthew, our Christian Connection story

“Although we were both a little nervous, we could immediately see joy, kindness and love in each other…” When Anne Marjorie and Matthew first met on Christian Connection they didn’t know they’d be sending us their story and wedding photos a couple of years later! Read about their first date, a botanical gardens proposal and why they agree “having each other as our best friend is the best thing we’ve both had!!”

Ease your way towards your dreams - Christian Connection dating advice

Ease your way towards your dreams in 2022

It’s tempting, at the start of a new year, to write a long list of things we’d like to change and then frantically set about trying to change them, while anxiously watching the clock. But impatience, from my experience, rarely pays off, especially when it comes to love. So, as we move into 2022, I invite you to let go of any worry, panic, fixed timelines or tight deadlines. Yes, I invite you to take your foot off the gas and relax.

5 simple steps to a positive mindset - Christian Connection dating advice

5 simple steps to a positive mindset

Turn on the TV and it’s one bad news story after another which doesn’t fill one with much confidence for a brighter tomorrow or lead naturally to a positive mindset. Our world has changed so much recently that it can be hard to see how things can get better. However, even though the world may seem all dark and gloomy right now, I think it is possible to expect this year to be better than the last. How can you do that, you may ask?

Figure holding heart connecting feelings

How to connect with your feelings

It took me years to understand that I had to heal in order to feel. For decades, I ran from my feelings. I ate on them, drank on them and over-worked to avoid them – until I realised that my disconnection from my feelings was sabotaging my relationships. It seems obvious now but for a long time, I was unaware of the importance of feeling my feelings. If I could just keep moving – running or working or travelling or falling in and out of relationships – then they wouldn’t catch up with me. I wouldn’t have to feel the grief, loss and pain that was stored deep inside and that I’d been avoiding since I was a child. I wonder if you have done this, and if you do it now?


How to make your dreams come true in 2021

Take a moment now to think about the past year. What did you learn about yourself in 2020? What challenges did you face? How did you overcome those challenges? Did you take any risks and if so, what was the outcome? When were you at your happiest? What were your dreams? If you could relive the year, what would you do differently? The answers to these questions will help to guide you in 2021.

Couple at new year with sparklers

7 tips for online dating this new year

As we wave goodbye to 2020 and enter 2021, what lies ahead? While there’s lots going on in the world, one thing doesn’t change – there’s still a strong desire to connect with others. Over the 20 years we’ve been helping single Christians meet, we’ve seen that January is one of the best times of the year to embrace online dating. More people are joining, sending waves, likes and messages in January than at any other time. So, if you’re new to online dating, or are returning after a break, welcome! Now is the perfect time to get started. Here are just some of the things we’ve learned about Christian dating to help you connect successfully.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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