
How to overcome the fear of rejection

Rejection is God’s protection, as the saying goes, but when we’re on the receiving end of rejection, it feels anything but heaven-sent. Rejection can be painful and if we’ve been rejected before, we can become fearful of it happening again. So how do we overcome our fear so that we can enjoy the dating process?


The secret to stress-free dating

When you were a kid did you ever sing that song “The wise man built his house upon the rock”? It’s the one with the disco actions that most Christian children’s songs were given. It may be a simple tune that was sung in countless assemblies and Sunday School gatherings, but the truth of building our lives on the solid foundation of Jesus is one that can radically change our lives.


5 ways to make fallow times fruitful

‘To everything there is a season,’ the classic Sixties rock number goes (though the Bible got there first in Ecclesiastes 3), and so it is with your dating life. There will be times of fallowness, like winter, when romantic life appears dormant. Don’t be discouraged. During winter a lot happens below the surface so that new life takes root and then blossoms into relationship possibilities when spring comes. Here are some suggestions for making a fallow time fruitful.


Don’t let comparison steal your joy

A tricky thing, whether you’re single or dating, is the temptation to compare your life, status or relationship with other people’s. Whether it’s strangers on social media, influencers, people you see on the street or even family and friends, it can be easy to assume others have it better. If you want to find love, seeing happy couples beaming on romantic breaks, picture-perfect proposals and lavish gifts with captions of “my one and only” or “so blessed” can be hard to take.


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Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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