Success Stories

“We’ve had so many, many adventures” – Jordan & Josh, our Christian Connection story

“Around November 2019 I joined CC. I was talking regularly with my mum about how it was going and she encouraged me to wave and chat with several people even just to make some more Christian friends. On December 17th I waved at a guy from Queensland, I had actually been avoiding anyone from Queensland originally as I lived in NSW and didn’t like the thought of moving. A few days later we began chatting and hit it off immediately…


“He was there waiting for me” – Helen & Ralph, our Christian Connection story

Helen met her husband Ralph on Christian Connection and shares her wise, practical and funny story here:

“Recently Single Friendly Church put up one of those little polls: “Have you or would you use a Christian dating site to meet other Christians?” I was surprised to see how many said they hadn’t used such a site, and they wouldn’t; around 40% of those replying. Well, I did, and I would recommend it…


“We were so different” – Alex & Jane, our Christian Connection story

“I would not have given Alex a second glance from his profile shot…” When Jane got in touch to let us know she had just celebrated 20 years of marriage to Alex, she was very honest about her first impressions! Now, with three teenaged children and lots of adventures between them, Jane is thankful she followed some friendly advice when she was single: “I would never have considered online dating but a friend convinced me and I am so glad I listened.” Here’s their story…

Anne Marjorie and Matthew on their wedding day after meeting on Christian Connection dating site and app

“Every moment has drawn us closer” – Anne Marjorie & Matthew, our Christian Connection story

“Although we were both a little nervous, we could immediately see joy, kindness and love in each other…” When Anne Marjorie and Matthew first met on Christian Connection they didn’t know they’d be sending us their story and wedding photos a couple of years later! Read about their first date, a botanical gardens proposal and why they agree “having each other as our best friend is the best thing we’ve both had!!”

Most read dating advice 2021 - Christian Connection blog

The most popular Christian Connection blogs of 2021

As 2021 comes to an end, Christmas is often the time to reflect on the past year. One of the threads that run through this year’s most popular blog posts focuses on reconnecting in person as social restrictions have eased. For many, this year has been one of self-reflection and opening up – to new experiences, relationships and connections. If you missed them, here’s our most popular dating advice from 2021.


“We couldn’t hide how happy we were” – Andrei & Chloe, our Christian Connection story

“Hello there. My name is Chloe and we met on Christian Connection. I’d like to share our story with you. My friend met her husband on the website as well. I am in my 30s, and had a free week with the website. I worked at a boarding hostel, in Dunedin. I came home one day to see who was on. Saw this breakdancer photo of Andrei, and we got chatting. I am a dancer and I loved the shot from the Oriental bay here in Wellington. I decided to give him a wave, well I didn’t just give him one wave I gave him 10. Just in case he didn’t get my first one.

Christian Connection dating site meets couples with shared interests

“Our tastes are quite alternative” – Christian Connection couples talk about shared interests

Shared interests matter. Sometimes looking for a good match online can feel like searching for a tiny fish in a very big pond. Having faith in common is a given, but ideally you’d like to meet someone who shares – or at least appreciates – your hobbies and concerns too. It can feel a bit risky to add your likes to your profile – will there be anyone else who appreciates bird spotting or paddleboarding? But couples who’ve met through Christian Connection tell us time and time again how important it was to see favourite music, films and places, among other things. It was also a great way to break the ice in a first message.


About this Blog

Christian Connection is an award-winning Christian dating website in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA and Canada.

Since the UK launch in 2000, thousands of Christians have found friendship, love and marriage through the site.

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