Debbie & Jerome

Debbie & Jerome

May 2024

Jerome and I met on Christian Connection back in March 2020. From there we connected on Facebook/Messenger so we could talk every day. After 2 weeks of messaging we started doing video calls. This was our only way of being able to talk/keep in touch during the Covid pandemic.

We did this up until the Covid restrictions lifted which enabled us to meet in person in the May where Jerome serenaded me at a local lake before asking if I wanted to share our lives together. Roll on to September when Jerome proposed on the Little Orme in Llandudno where he’d taken me for the majority of the day.

We were going to get married the following year in April 2021 but due to the Covid restrictions we had to push it back. Come July 2021 we tied the knot and are approaching our 3 year wedding anniversary this July.

During the time that we have been married we have had a lot happen….this year we welcomed our first baby boy to our family and we couldn’t be happier.

Thank you to Christian Connection otherwise Jerome and I wouldn’t have met and would not have ended up where we are today. Don’t give up on hope as God has the right person for you.

Debbie, Jerome and Ezekiel

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