C & M
My Christian Connection story isn’t one of instant success. I had been on and off Christian connection for a few years, having connected with and been on dates with a handful of guys across that time, none of whom it worked out with. Each time that it didn’t work out I would hide my profile for a time until I felt ready to try again.
2 years from making an account, I decided to reactivate my account, and just send out a ‘hello’ message to any guys that seemed decent all at once to see who replied. M replied and we quickly realised that we had actually met each other many times over the years through mutual friends and even had a conversation, but never had a proper opportunity to get to know each other. As I drove to our first date, I remember praying that if a relationship with M would help me serve God better that it would work out, and that if I’d serve God better on my own or with someone else, that it wouldn’t work out. We met at a cafe and connected pretty quickly. By our third date I was pretty sure I would marry M. 6 months later he proposed, and 1 year and 4 days after the very first date, we married. Our first six months of marriage have been such a blessing and I’m so thankful that God brought us together.
My advice to others is not to give up if the first person you meet up with isn’t right for you. Finding a marriage partner is something to pray about and seek godly wisdom from others about, whether the person is from online or someone you met in person. You need to expect with online dating that you probably won’t marry the first person you meet (although I know some who have!) The benefit of online dating is being able to connect with people who you wouldn’t meet otherwise, or in my case, had met but not had any real opportunity to get to know. If marriage is something you are seeking, prayerfully consider whether online dating may be a tool you’d like to try to meet more people. If your first date didn’t work out, don’t be too discouraged. Once you feel ready, try again. You never know who you might meet!
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