James & Paula

James & Paula

I was living in Reading Berkshire in 2008 and on Boxing Day of that year I messaged Paula who also lived in the town. After several messages and phone calls we met up at the end of January 2009. I knew that God meant us to be together so by March we were engaged and had our wedding planned for April 2010 at Christchurch Reading. In 2011 we were blessed with the birth of our son Jacob and in 2014 our daughter Abbie. Having both being born and grown up in Reading in 2019 we decided to move to Ledbury, Herefordshire. 11 years later we are still very happily married with two amazing children and we attend a lovely church in Malvern. I eventually found my soul mate in Paula and considering we lived only 1 mile from each other I asked myself the question: why didn't we meet earlier in our lives? Maybe that was not God's plan...

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