David  & Jessica

David & Jessica

David and I first met though Christian Connection in 2004. We had both been members for a while and whilst had both met some lovely people had not met ‘the one’. David is in the Merchant Navy and a picture of him in his uniform was on his profile! We both went to neighbouring churches in the Poole area.

After having chatting virtually for a while (David actually dropped his phone in the harbour at Aberdeen, had to get a replacement before sailing and asked his mum to find his diary with my number!) we met up for a coffee when he was next home on leave. (Despite me not liking coffee!). Our first date lasted nearly 6 hours as we got to know each other over coffee, a walk, lunch and going bowling! After a year of dating, and praying, we got married in the Autumn of 2005.

We have now been married for coming up to 16 years, now living in Pembrokeshire as David is one of the Harbour Masters at the Port of Milford haven. The Lord is at the centre of our marriage and we bless him for each other.

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